Utricularia graminifolia
Utricularia graminifolia from Asia belongs to the bladderwort family. All the plants in this family are insect eating, perennial water and marsh plants. In the nature, the plant lives in nutrient-poor places, hence the need to catch small insects and digest them.
Bladder traps are a unique feature of this family, which Utricularia graminifolia forms after a short period in the aquarium.
The species name means ‘with grass like leaves’ and the fresh green leaves will after some time form a pretty mat which looks like a lawn (2-8 cm tall).
Utricularia graminifolia is therefore an ideal foreground plant, although it is rather demanding.
Plant Info
Type: | Carpeting | |
Origin: | Asia | |
Growth rate: | Medium | |
Height: | 3 – 10+ | |
Light demand: | Medium | |
CO2 : | Medium |

The right plants
All plants are different and have different needs. Some require a lot of light, fertilizer and CO2. Others will thrive will almost no help. Tropica has made selecting plants easy for you. All Tropica plants are marked with patented symbols that inform you about the difficulty of the plants. This way you can easily overview and choose the right plants for your aquarium.